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The 9 public holidays in Spain for 2024

In Spain, there are certain public holidays that cannot be moved or replaced, regardless of the year. For 2024, these are the 9 main national holidays when most people have the day off:

  1. Monday, January 1 – New Year’s Day / Año Nuevo
  2. Saturday, January 6 – Epiphany / Día de Reyes
  3. Friday, March 29 – Good Friday / Viernes Santo
  4. Wednesday, May 1 – Labor Day / Día del Trabajo
  5. Thursday, August 15 – Assumption of Mary / Asunción de la Virgen
  6. Saturday, October 12 – National Day of Spain / Día de Hispanidad
  7. Friday, November 1 – All Saints’ Day / Día de Todos los Santos
  8. Friday, December 6 – Spanish Constitution Day / Día de la Constitución Española
  9. Wednesday, December 25 – Christmas Day / Día de Navidad

These holidays are celebrated nationwide in Spain, meaning most workers will have the day off. It’s helpful to keep these dates in mind whether you’re living in Spain or planning a visit, as services, stores, and businesses may be closed on these days.

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